
SCULPTRA® Aesthetic is a poly-L-lactic acid injectable to help restore lost volume and provide you with a more youthful appearance. Sculptra is biocompatible and gives you an impressive change in skin laxity and decreases the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. Sculptra is different from other fillers. The results of Sculptra treatment are long-lasting and subtle.

Three treatments over four to six months are recommended, and your natural-looking and refined look can last up to two years. You may need maintenance treatment after the final injection to keep this youthful look. Sculptra® is FDA-approved which makes it very safe.

Beautiphi Aesthetic Boutique | Rochester Hills, MI

Reasons to use Sculptra®:


Sculptra Aesthetic decreases superficial to deep facial wrinkles and lines, hollows, and depressions, plus areas of excessive fat loss. Treated areas include nasolabial folds, temples, cheeks, mid-face, and chin. You cannot use Sculptra around the mouth or eyes.

Sculptra is injected below the skin’s surface in places where you have lost volume. Sculptra works overtime to trigger collagen and elastin.

If you need fullness in your face, you may be the ideal patient to use Sculptra Aesthetic. Sculptra is not recommended for those who smoke or who are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Sculptra’s results are not immediate. What you are seeing is the temporary swelling. We use water to dilute Sculptra, which can cause some swelling. The swelling decreases in a few days, but you may not notice any improvement since Sculptra gradually corrects the volume in your skin. Over time, Sculptra will trigger collagen and you will see a tremendous and natural look.


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